1. Professional efficiency concerning European issues and active citizenship
  1. Relevant qualification
  1. Personal attitudes

4. Questions and doubts concerning didactic innovation related to the European Dimension

  1. Evaluation of existing educational experience and use of didactic material
  1. Necessary support
  1. Suggestions for areas of interest in curricula in order to promote modern European issues in Greek school

Questionnaire for an active European citizenship


In the recent political and cultural debate the principle of an active European citizenship is one of the important purposes of the educational systems of European Union.

The European “Peace” Project  (Profiles Educating for Active Citizenship in Europe -  Comenius action 3.1)  involving the collaboration of Spain, Denmark, Greece and Italy, aims at comparing the knowledge of the professional, cultural  and vocational characteristics of the teachers of the collaborating countries for a definition of the professional profile of the teacher who commits him/herself to the formation of an active European citizenship.

One of the purposes of the project is also to investigate the attitudes of the partner countries  teachers about an active European  citizenship and the activities and the experiences that they are already having with their students. 

The present questionnaire has been devised in order to collect some information on this topic.  The answers will lead to a better definition of how the school system is facing this problem in the various countries, to a comparison among various situations and to a better definition of those critical aspects which require new educational measures.


Thanks for your collaboration. 


General data



Grade of school ……………………………………………………………………………………


Teacher of (specify the discipline/teaching area)……………………………………………………….


Age:          ٱ  less than 30           ٱ from 31 to 40               ٱ from 41 to 50                    ٱ  more than 50


Sex:      ٱ M      ٱ F


Years of teaching:          ٱ  less than 10            ٱ  from 11 to 20            ٱ  from 21 to 30            ٱ  more than 30


Educational experiences about the topics of an active European citizenship (sum up shortly the contents)









Known foreign languages (oral and written)


1……………………….                  Knowledge        ٱ  good                ٱ  scholastic               ٱ  survival

2….. …………………..                  Knowledge        ٱ  good                ٱ  scholastic               ٱ  survival

3……………………….                  Knowledge        ٱ  good                ٱ  scholastic               ٱ  survival



   Mastery in the use of the new technologies:


q       Use of word processor

q       Use of e-mail

q       Surfing the Net

q       Other programs (to specify)






1.What do you mean by an active European citizenship? List five words (nouns) to define it.




2.    In your opinion, at school, who has to educate for an active European citizenship?

 teachers of linguistic area

 teachers of social sciences area (history, geography, law, etc.)

 teachers of scientific area

 teachers of technological area



3.       List  3 competences  that, in your opinion, the teacher should promote for an active European citizenship.









4.        Do you know  any M.P.I. official documents (programs, new curricola, ministerial directives and circulars) containing indications for an active European citizenship education?

        ٱ  Yes                                    ٱ No                                                                     If yes, what?







  1. List the most important documents of the European Union for the promotion of an active European citizenship.






6.    Through your teaching do you think to improve an active  European citizenship?

                 ٱ  Yes           ٱ No                     

If yes, do you improve these experiences/activities:

q       by yourself

q       with other colleagues

q       through formalized interdisciplinary projects

q       other……………………….


       Describe shortly some experiences/activities (100/ 200 words)



















7.    Have you  promoted/partecipated in any experiences and/or projects  of European cooperation and/or school exchanges?


        ٱ  Yes           ٱ No                      If yes, what?











8.  (Only for teachers who don’t teach foreign languages)


A Do you use a foreign language in some moments/activities of your teaching?

                ٱ  Yes           ٱ No


B Do you develop any topics of your program in a foreign language in collaboration with (a) foreign language teacher(s)?

ٱ  Yes           ٱ No



  1. For the education to an active European citizenship, which one of these attitudes do you try to promote in your teaching? Choose two in order of importance.


  1. critical consciousness (awareness)               
  2. interculturality                                                   
  3. responsability                                                    
  4. respect of (person, others, environnement)
  5. solidariety


first: ………………………


second: ……………………



 10.  What are your educational needs  to promote an active European citizenship?











11.  Other observations and comments.











